TSF Blog

Want to learn more about powerlifting training and competition? Make yourself a cuppa and let us tell you some stories.

billie, powerlifting, strength training Billie Asprey billie, powerlifting, strength training Billie Asprey

How To Be a Good Training Partner.

Many of my best training sessions were the best because of the people I had around and either side of me at the time. A good session becomes a great session and a good training block becomes a great training block when the people you’re surrounded by know how to support you.

And so when I’m training hard and I’m pursuing ✨ excellence ✨ in my training and in my sport, I want damn good people in the room with me. And similarly, I want the people that train alongside me to feel that I help get the very best out of them. I want people at TSF to walk in the gym on the day of a heavy session and be like “ooft, I am so glad Billie is here.”

So what makes a good training partner? How can you become someone that people want around when they’re pushing limits?

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john paul, Competition, Powerifting John Paul Cauchi john paul, Competition, Powerifting John Paul Cauchi

Why the Team Champs?

The third edition of the TSF Team Champs is set to take place on March 12th. Camaraderie, teamwork and the social aspect of sport have always been fundamental pillars and values that we’ve strived to uphold at TSF, and nothing highlights that more than the Team Champs.

I’d like to unpack with you a little history, some stories and some of the reasons why we think running the Team Champs is so damn important.

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Blog, jeremy Jeremy Borzillo Blog, jeremy Jeremy Borzillo

Structuring Training at The Strength Fortress

At TSF, we typically program in five-week blocks and we are staunch on sub-maximal training. Understanding the “why” behind coaching decisions can help you as a lifter to attack your training with the intention that is built in to your program. If you don’t know why certain exercises are in your program or what the purpose of an intro/deload week is, it’s hard for you to execute them with the desired intention.

In this article I explain how we structure our training at TSF and in line with that, how you can best execute each week of your training block to achieve the best training outcomes.

Across a five week training period, we want to first recover from the fatigue accumulated in the preceding training block, then build training momentum across the block to launch us in to the next one. This is how we do it.

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