TSF Blog

Want to learn more about powerlifting training and competition? Make yourself a cuppa and let us tell you some stories.

Meet Molly Molly McCarthy Meet Molly Molly McCarthy

My Personal Journey into Powerlifting

I’ve been strength/barbell training for almost eight years now. That sounds like a really long time, and it feels like it. I have learned a lot in my time in the gym. That sounds really philosophical, I get it. But I really have learned a lot from pushing my physical and mental limits.

Through all the phases of my life, physical exercise has played some part in it. As a kid, I played basketball and danced. While I didn’t really understand why at the time, I always felt good after a training session so I kept it up. When we played a tough game, or had a hard dance practice, the feeling of being able to push through the pain - physical and otherwise - gave me an unparalleled feeling of accomplishment.

As for my journey in to powerlifting, let me break it down in to timeline order for you

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